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On this page, you will find various prints that you can purchase! Here's a bit more info: 

One is a lino print on various cards/colours of a turtle, these are named Tartaruga and are an edition of just 23 hand-printed pieces - each is numbered and signed.


Second is a woodblock print of Mount Fuji named (you guessed it!), Mt.Fuji and run as an edition of 21.


And finally, I also printed Tartaruga on various offcuts of previous lino print experiments, these are a set of 5 all varying in size.

Click on each item for specifics on sizing, and (where possible) rough paper details. The large majority of them are A5, a couple of A3, and a handful of variants. For purchasing details, make sure to scroll all the way down to the bottom!


Want more than one A5 print? 

Get 2 - either two of the same print or one of each (Tartaruga and Mt. Fuji) for £17.

How To Purchase? 

1. Make a note of the number(s) and name(s) of the piece(s) you want to purchase, e.g Tartaruga 3/23 (this can be found when clicking on the image(s) for the print(s) you would like!). 

2. Get in touch! Message me via one of the options below:

- Email me at

- Direct message (Instagram, Facebook - @isa4cart links found below)

- Or for anyone that knows me personally, feel free to text me

3. In your message, detail which print(s) you would like to purchase and the address you would like it shipped to.

4. I will respond with the Paypal details in order for you to make your payment, once payment has been confirmed I will ship your item to you as soon as possible!

Thank you!

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